Sunday, November 1, 2015


Crocs are popular in Japan. Yes, I said crocs, and yes, I mean the plastic shoe with holes in it. Crocs, shown below, are made in a few different styles. In America, they’ve gone out of style very quickly. They used to be very popular a few years ago in America, but now they are seen as unfashionable and impractical. They’re even seen as tacky.

However, in Japan there are often rainy seasons. These rainy seasons are usually called monsoon seasons. People in Japan need Crocs to keep their shoes from being ruined. Because there are so many days during the rainy season where the ground is saturated with water, and it’s hard to walk anywhere without stepping in mud or a puddle of water. Waterproof shoes are common in Japan, however these shoes don’t protect your legs or socks from water in a downpour, or if you accidentally step in a puddle. Even worse, the waterproof shoes hold water in the shoe itself once water gets inside it. This can create much discomfort because it forces you to walk with wet socks.

To keep your socks and legs relatively mess-free, people in Japan use crocs. You don’t need to wear socks with crocs, and there’s easy cleanup. That way, you can just clean off your legs and hose down your muddy crocs if you do get them dirty. It’s very easy cleanup, and they are very practical in Japan.


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