Saturday, January 23, 2016

Hooded Eyelid Correctors

Japan has a huge makeup market. There are hundreds of thousands of product from eyeliner to pore reducers to wrinkle cream. One large aspect of this is makeup to make Japanese women look more like American women. For example, read my Ganguro Girl post. Ganguro Girls are an extreme example of this phenomenon, but it's apparent in many ways. One of the most startling examples I've found is a type of glue that creates a "western eye" or gets rid of hooded eyes, which are the most common type of eyes among Japanese people.


First, you need to find where your eye creases naturally. Then use a shaping stick to create fake creases above your natural crease and see which one you like best. There are many different types of creases you can create with the glue. each of these creases make your eye a different shape. The reason this glue is most often used is to make eyes appear larger than they are, which is similar to "stereotypical American" double-lidded eyes.


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